About Sankoch

Posted by the Central Committee & filed under Communications.

Dear brothers and sisters,

We, like many sahaja yogis, feel it timely to remind ourselves of a few universally valid principles aimed at protecting the tireless work of our Mother and the sangha in these difficult times.

Whilst describing the qualities of Shri Rama and of the right heart, Shri Mataji uses the word “Sankoch” meaning the intelligence of the heart. She says it is more important than intelligence alone because it aims at being empathetic towards the other. She also describes how the one same reality can be approached from various points of view, like the Rock of Gibraltar. These may ostensibly appear to be different and yet reflect the same reality. All this is to say that in our actions, the Divine is pleased if we consider their effect on the other, with love as our main perspective. Love is our main power; we can never use it enough.

We are all aware that when it comes to God and Sahaja Yoga, the truth is one. Political opinions on the affairs of the world, however, can differ diametrically even among close friends sharing the same culture and conditionings. Sometimes this may lead to tensions even within the same families! Amongst brothers and sisters with a varied upbringing and outlook, these differences can appear further magnified, potentially leading to rifts. Such circumstances present an ideal opportunity to exercise “Sankoch” by avoiding feeding these rifts and tensions.

Many of the problems affecting the world find their roots in the following brief list: corruption – the sin against the Father, immorality – the sin against the Mother, violation of maryadas in general, and lack of dharma. A new type of maryada of the modern age is linked to the internet. What happens in one corner of the world is aired publicly via YouTube, social media, TV, etc. and can be identified through search engines within minutes, not always by people and institutions well intentioned towards Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga. Surely, as yogis, none of us wish to damage or in any way undermine Her lifelong work. So we must remind ourselves, each one of us, of a new danger, especially during this period of multiple online activities: all information transmitted via the internet has the potential to be used against us, as it leaves an eternal virtual footprint. This care must become a reflex; one instant of distraction or one intentional act can harm a collective or individuals anywhere in the world.

This is especially relevant when it relates to political statements made in broadcast events, particularly where there are governments involved with strict laws concerning political criticism. We must remain alert to the political and religious realities yogis living in such countries are challenged by, and how they may be put in harm’s way by our intentional or unintentional actions.

We have to mould ourselves into this new mindset. Acting in such a wise manner would surely contribute to reinforcing our unity as a world sangha. Each of us, as individuals, can strive towards having more Sankoch, more understanding of the other. This principle holds true even if regrettably, there are groupings within a single country or between two separate countries. In everyday Sahaj life, we have all noticed that any aggressive attitude polarizes people and feeds tensions. Political actions jeopardize the sangha. Loving actions cement it at all levels.

Of course, anyone can make mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly. During the Easter puja talk streamed by the hosting countries, Mother insisted so much on forgiveness. Mistakes must be addressed but must also be forgiven. On the other hand, we need to be vigilant if continued lack of attentiveness or certain deliberate and repeated actions have the potential to put a collective in danger.

Mother does it all, but She uses us as Her instruments. We must use our hamsa, sense of discretion and common sense to transform ourselves into the hollowed flutes of Shri Krishna, enabling in a small way Her actions for the benevolence of the sangha. We cannot be Her instruments if we don’t think of the consequences of our actions. Sankoch!

With all our love and respect,
Your brothers and sisters of the CC