Building Up Our Collective

Posted by the Central Committee & filed under Communications.

Over the last couple of years we have received many queries relating to the rotation of councils and how to proceed with it in a loving and Sahaj manner. Shri Mataji repeatedly commented on what could happen to Sahaja Yoga after She would depart with Her physical body. In some of those instances, She referred to the mistakes of the past world religions, inviting us of course to avoid them.

A classic mistake done by the followers of the previous incarnations is that they gradually projected growth outside (through institutions & positions, rituals, procedures, proselytism, money, infrastructures) rather than seeking the religion inside. The following communication contains some general guidelines, which can hopefully help the transition process to rely on a collective evolution rather than resorting to divisive procedures.

In principle The many who have been or are blessed by proximity with Shri Mataji (previously through Her proximity/darshan and now through meditation/dhyan) often register a state of great physical and psychical wellbeing and the desire to share love and Her blessings. This state prompts a relation of trust and respect amongst us which is the basis of all interactions including “governance” and organization. This state also carries vibrations, discretion and a clear head. In principle this is the state from where we need to operate, interact amongst us and spread Sahaja Yoga. In the absence of achieving a Sahaj state within, methods and proce- dures can provide a false sense of security and do not deliver results. None of us want to introduce or support early forms of degradation of the inner religion. Here are a few examples where our Hamsa chakra is called for, if we do not want to take Sahaj in a superficial projection outside and risk emptying it of its deeper spiritual substance.

Taking vibrations. Of course we must take vibrations, and most of us do, but there is no need to conform to a specific methodology developed and/or promoted by a group or another. It does not correspond to what Shri Mataji taught us. For instance we can use envelopes in some cases, if we wish, but detailed elaboration on such procedures as an automatic method is not required. The pretence to put the Paramchaitanya in little envelopes by the virtue of a procedure, rather than accessing it by our depth, sincerity and genuine love, is not an effective protection from mistake.

Rotation of national Councils National collectivities should likewise decide on such matters with discretion and wisdom. In some cases, a Council member should be renewed in his/her term because it is in the interest of the sangha, provided of course this member is willing to oblige. In other cases, renewing some Council members shall provide new dynamism and impetus. Or there may also be cases where a leader must be invited to step down because he/she cannot any longer serve as well as he/she would wish or, sadly, because there is no longer conformity with Sahaj dharma. Reaching together a balance between continuity and change, in touch with our heart and our inner depth, is the way towards a good outcome. It is helpful to include members with different sensitivities: different flowers with different fragrances and colors enrich the bouquet. We will achieve better results by using discrimination than by imposing rigid procedures and deadlines.

Voting is the expression of a choice but, obviously, in today’s world it is also a political process. The question arises: do we resort to voting and the associated processes of (open or hidden) lobbying, campaigning and the like, all techniques whose consequences have brought spectacular failures to deal with the challenges we face in the non Sahaj world, or do we resort to sahaj methods for collective decision making? National collectives should feel free to be pragmatic, using a combination of consultation, cooptation and/or various expressions of choices in the spirit of the principles described above.

Being faithful to Our Mother and Guru When we have a guru our basic position is to be a disciple and the gravity of this axis should express itself in our actions, speeches and writings. Sahaja Yoga was successfully shared for decades while we acknowledged in all sincerity Her extraordinary personality, making it clear that She is the founder of Sahaja Yoga . Of course, as always, we need our Hamsa to communicate Her knowledge in a manner that helps its absorption by a broad, uninformed public. But is there a need to hide Shri Mataji in public Sahaja Yoga programmes or communications? Let us improve communication while recognizing a simple fact: spreading Sahaja Yoga shall be successful when we please the deities. Being faith-ful to Our Mother and Guru is part of it.

In conclusion, let us all bow in humility that we become better at securing their blessings and end with a cheerful note. As you know, moments of collective joy put us into complete reality. They cleanse us and make the light of our spirit shine. They are of very high value because they (re)calibrate our system to the capacity of the drop that enjoys dissolving into the ocean. Moments of collective joy, by their dazzling light, will sharpen the contrast to shadow and will make us more aware if and when we slowly trigger deviations from auspiciousness. Rotating, voting, all this does not take excessive importance when we ARE together.

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