The First Four Years: A Brief Review

Posted by the Central Committee & filed under Communications.

We may recall here that HH Shri Mataji directly created the Central Committee at the end of Guru puja 2008, as a body to represent a more global entity for the sangha. During Her speech She mentioned: “to inform what is happening”, “for communication”, “to attend to things”, and “they should approve”.
She also advocated India to establish its own Central Committee. The CC entered into force in July 2011.


The role that the CC plays in these areas is evolving according to the needs of the Sahaja
collectivity and the issues and challenges that arise. Whilst some issues are still ongoing, the CC continues to play a role of facilitator and not of control and therefore our effectiveness relies greatly on the affection and support from our brothers and sisters around the world. The CC does not see itself as a hierarchic body or an administrative structure. As a matter of fact it did not even register itself legally.

Members of the CC understand the Sahaj sangha to be a decentralized movement where the
initiative rests with the people themselves. The national collectives are the dynamic hubs of
this great and diverse Sahaj collective. This is also the reason why, when approached about
problems existing in these collectives, the CC as a rule invited them to address these issues
through their own wisdom and tried to help in this direction. Admittedly the CC was not
always successful but it did not take the step of nominating or removing leaders to settle
ongoing divisions.


On the whole, the rather low-key approach did not give particular visibility to the role of the CC but the following is illustrative of its activities.
The CC responded to call for help, advice or mediation from several national coordinators or
individual yogis facing difficulties in their collective. Individual members of the Committee
provided this advisory service off the record because this assistance was more effective when
provided discreetly. In the majority of cases the interventions of the CC strengthened a
solution-oriented and positive outcome.

The CC organized the international puja schedules during the last four years. During this time some international pujas took place in countries where members of the collective, for
financial and various other reasons, have not been able to attend international pujas held in
Europe/India for the past many years. The feedback we have received is that these pujas
created a tremendous dynamism and sense of togetherness in these collectives and that the
vibrations have been very deep and joyful.

The CC wrote 30 communications in response to issues of some importance to the collective.
These texts are not meant to be prescriptive but to provide useful reference and we are
grateful to all those who expressed their appreciation for the content and vibrations. These
texts can be found in the archives.
The CC selectively endorsed global initiatives launched by yogis such as the 21st of March as
“Inner Peace Day’ or the 5th of May as World Realization Day or wrote to the new Minister of
Yoga in Delhi.

The CC launched “Project 90” to celebrate what would have been the 90th birthday of Shri
Mataji. A dedicated website was created and sahaj communities all over the world took all
kinds of initiatives.

The CC invited all to start the New Year 2015 with a Havan. Many of those who did it, on all
continents between Japan and California, told us they had a powerful yagya and a deep
moment. It proposes to maintain this celebration to start a new year.
Members of the CC individually organized, facilitated or took an active part in a significant
number of international events across the globe.

Lessons Learnt

The feedback we received is that the CC positioned itself correctly as the yogis –like ourselves – do not expect to have any structure as such “controlling” the Sahaj world movement.
Membership is spread across the globe. Consequently, it was not possible for the entire
membership to meet regularly face to face. We mention this as one of the shortcomings in the
functioning of the CC.

Besides constant support we received, there have also been critics of the CC and its
communications, mostly from the corners who were opposed to the creation of the CC in the
first place. But we accept it seems impossible to please all and to live up to each and every
individual expectations. It has been a special time serving in the CC and the unity, love and
cooperation was the glue that kept this group nicely together. Now some of us will take leave
and we welcome on board the new members who will join from this summer. This is still an
ongoing process.

Take Home Message

We feel that always trying to stay true to the letter and the spirit of Shri Mataji’s teachings must continue to guide the CC members and all of us to the best of our abilities, and also guide our understanding as to what was, and is expected from us as Her children.

Jai Shri Mataji!
Sincerely yours,
Alex, Duilio, Eduardo, Gregoire, Hanuman, Philipp, Sidsel and Wolfgang.

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