Dear sisters, dear brothers,
On Saturday prior to the Guru Puja 2011, the Central Committee was established as instructed by Our Guru Shri Mataji three years ago.
The Committee was created on the basis of a collective process involving over forty countries that sent their list of nominees. It was a straightforward, direct and simple feedback coming from them. We thank all the countries that participated in the process, including those who could not send their nominations but provided their views and comments.
The meeting retained the first seven names that were selected by the countries. An additional member from India and a member representing the younger generations were selected from the consolidated list that had been provided. Vibrations and guidance from Our Mother were sought and felt.
This is the text of the decision, which includes responses to some of the point raised:
OM Twamewa sakshat,
Shri Ganesha sakshat ,
Shri Adi Shakti Mataji,
Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namah
Decision on the Follow Up of the Instructions Given by HH Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi concerning the establishment of a Central Committee
The national coordinators/ leaders and Board members of Sahaja institutions gathered in Cabella on the 16TH July 2011 have taken the following decisions:
- A Central Committee is hereby established as per the instructions of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi;
- The following members of the Committee have been appointed (by alphabetic order) for a period of four years:
- Mr Duilio Cartocci
- Mr. Wolfgang Hackl
- Mr. Alex Henshaw
- Mr. Gregoire de Kalbermatten
- Mr. Andrew Kaluzny
- Mr. Eduardo Marino
- Mrs. Sidsel Mugford
- Mr. Rajesh Shah
- Mr. Philip Zeiss
- The Committee does not represent a spiritual hierarchy but aims at transmitting the benevolence of the Master of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi;
- The Committee shall support the driving role of national collectivities in spreading the unique discovery of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Sahaja Yoga) world wide;
- The Committee shall serve the Sahaja Sangha in such fields as communication, representation, arbitration or approbation of policies.
- The Committee shall interact closely with the national coordinators/leaders, Board members in developing its charter and the modalities of work;
Minutes will contain details of the proceedings but at this early stage we want to share our own perception.
During Her 2008 Guru Puja speech, Shri Mataji confirmed clearly that Sahaja Yoga is a grassroots movement whose expansion depends on the commitment of every yogi and yogini. In this context, we, the members of the CC, look forwards to a role of facilitation and not control;
The CC received its mandate from Shri Mataji but it is obvious to us that its effectiveness relies on the affection and support from our brothers and sisters.
At the beginning of Her speech Shri Mataji spelled out the standards for being a guru and we realize we all have to improve in this respect.
We, as a group, do neither have financial nor human resources and our first priority shall be to meet face to face as soon as feasible. We shall proceed stepwise, being grateful for your help and will seek ways and means to benefit from the wisdom and advise from those willing to assist us.
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